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Week 6 News

█ Bulletin ◉ The Commission █

“The regions marked on this map are cursed. The exact boundaries can be seen by the rifts that have opened in the ground. Entering or remaining in these areas is forbidden. Do not panic, but evacuate in an orderly manner as directed by the authorities. Limited exceptions may be granted, including for the process of moving everything necessary into permitted areas, and patrolling to enforce this rule.” — Tabaga, November 3914

[Below the text are two maps, one of the world and one of Wesmarch. It looks like about half of the world map is shaded in red, as is the Eastern part of Wesmarch. The border is irregular, and passes through Bexgate. East Bexgate and Wyegrove are on the forbidden side, and West Bexgate and Wesmarch City are on the permitted side.]

New UBGS Proposed Standard 490.6 Hazard Symbol and Sign for Cursed Ground

The residents of East Bexgate have until midnight this Tuesday the 24th of November to go to West Bexgate. The former Town Planning Bureau and Special Institute For Computing buildings are being made available for temporary accommodation, but those who have other places to stay to the West of the rift are advised to do so as space is limited. Please listen for further announcements relating to train services which may be used for more permanent relocation which will be starting soon.

Mark also:

  • Abius Marshall of Renagi's Way was revealed as a witch and arrested pending execution.
  • Thomas Seton of Brishing Lane was revealed as a witch and arrested pending execution.
  • Amnity Thorne of Gossop Road was revealed as a witch and arrested pending execution.
  • Teresa of Faire Road was revealed as a witch and arrested pending execution.
  • Seth Marlowe of Havelock Street was revealed as a witch and arrested pending execution.
  • Yves Corbet of Providence Boulevard was revealed as a heretic and arrested pending execution.
  • Valentine Rinaldi of Westwell Road was revealed as a heretic and arrested pending execution.
  • Gerard Lex of Lyneham Street was revealed as a heretic and arrested pending execution.
news/news/6.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/31 01:24 by gm_andrew