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God and Heaven

God's desires were all based on two basic principles: safety (from danger) and trust. God wanted everyone to be safe, but especially for them to be protected from danger that would otherwise have threatened them. They also wanted trust, with both mortals and Heaven trusting themselves and each other, whether or not such trust was earned. They had the ability to do anything on the condition that, in a certain sense, it was neutral relative to Their goals. This usually manifested as God's actions having negative side-effects, which was why They usually avoided acting directly, leaving their angels and saints to promote Their will instead. This restriction may have been one that God imposed on Themself in order to expose Themself to potential danger, or it may have just always been a natural part of Their nature, we never made an actual decision on this. Demons were created as a side-effect of the creation of angels, and the rift, the sky turning black, some foreign people suddenly arriving in Bexgate, and Pfmsltr's ability to cross the rift one time were all side-effects of actions God took during the game.

The angels were designed to have an inherent desire to follow God's will as their overriding purpose, but like demons, they still had some variations in personality. The saints were selected as people who could be relied upon to further God's will. Most of the time, Heaven preferred to avoid intervening on Earth in order to teach humanity to be more self-sufficient. Although they weren't expecting God to die, they wanted to set up human society in such a way that it would continue in line with God's will even without their intervention. The main way they guided it was of course the scripture. They tended to avoid revealing everything explicitly both because there were certain true things they thought it best not to admit to (and they never lied, that would be contrary to promoting trust) and because they thought people would be more inclined to follow God's will if they came to an understanding of it slowly through long study.

In Heaven, there were many weapons kept constantly in motion, constantly right on the verge of killing God, but carefully arranged in such a way that this never quite happened. This was in order to promote the ideal of mitigated danger, and also what led to killing God being possible. The weapons were created by God to threaten to kill Them, with the intention that this would never actually happen. This is why, after they were stolen, the weapons were capable of killing God, because God can do anything (with a suitable side-effect), and that includes killing Themself. This may have been inspired by that paradox “Can an omnipotent god create a rock they cannot move?”. Omnipotence implies the ability to remove your own omnipotence. Indirectly, God killed God, just like everything else is indirectly God's doing.

eternities/god_and_heaven.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/06 20:27 by gm_andrew