Table of Contents


Planning can go up here, if you want

Something about the graffiti

Something about the TPB burning

Something about people crossing the rift


oleander_green There seem to be rather more people around town lately speaking foreign languages. Many of them seem particularly confused and anxious.

amnity_thorne Sebastian Marlowe has been speaking to Thrl and Pfmsltr, though not at the same time.

rena_sawnes You come across Sebastian Marlowe standing just on the East side of the rift, poking at the air curiously.

wren_kalen You see Sebastian Marlowe entering a dark alley. You look in to see what's going on, but despite it being a dead end, he's gone.

amnity_thorne wren_kalen lucy There are a lot of flyers around, all eye-catching and well-presented, although the ink on some is a little smudged. Some remind people of the unjust price of criticising the Commission. Some present personal stories of the Commission's indiscriminate arrests and executions. There are some near the rift of a slightly different style warning people of the risks of crossing over (backed up by scripture) and informing people that they can get support by going to a particular location in one of the evacuation centres.

rena_sawnes oleander_green There are a lot of flyers around, all eye-catching and well-presented. One centres around a quote attributed to Manatana: “Order is required. The Commission are no longer providing order. New governance is required,” adding that they said Heaven will select who is right to lead “if necessary”. There are also various posters in a slightly different style. Among these, some speak of a child having to live apart from their family for fear of what Manatana might do to hide their mistake on the day of the gas main explosion; some criticise the Commission for failing to save God.

wren_kalen You see a man with a scruffy beard and wearing a rather strange outfit skulking around Bexgate. Is that… You're sure you've seen Pastor Holton in that exact jacket…. Yet through all that you could have sworn it was Adalli Nafaro.

amnity_thorne The Church is looking surprisingly tidy.

oleander_green Yves Corbet is getting good at making a very decent cup of coffee in the Church these days.

rena_sawnes St. Jayaram's has been badly fire damaged.

rena_sawnes You spotted no fewer than five borzois on the way to St. Renagi's.

adalli_nafaroamnity_thorne There's a car parked outside St. Renagi's. It's painted a snazzy shade of red, but you recognise that the model is the same as the Commission cars.

wren_kalenteresa Theodore's shoes are caked in mud.

sincerity_woodward There's more dirty mugs of tea in the church than ever before. There's got to be over a hundred of them.

lucy You saw Rebecca Marlowe and January Baxter pass one another in the street. Rebecca dropped something and January helped pick it up. You are sure you saw January sigh and smile while walking away.

adonna_carrel After days of not seeing any upon the streets of Bexgate, two Commission agents pass you by near your home. They don't seem to take any notice of you, much less recognise you.

sincerity_woodward You were walking behind a slow-moving Daria Mornwithe one evening. You don't think she noticed you there. Unexpectedly, she stopped in front of you and half-hid behind a wall to watch Adonna pass.

adonna_carrel You saw Adalli talking heatedly to someone in St. Renagi's. Whoever they were, they were carrying a very full and unusually long bag.

lucy You were walking by the train station when you heard a familiar noise. You struggled to place it, but then you realised - the trains are starting up again.

sincerity_woodwardwren_kalen You saw a Commission agent sat in a café, a long scoped rifle at their side. They seemed to be sadly eating or… doing something to a lemon.

adonna_carrelteresa Amnity and Thrl have become closer since you've last seen them. Very close, if the looks they give one another are any indication…

teresaadalli_nafaro You observe an easy banana bread recipe. Ingredients:

  1. Heat the oven to 180C / 160C fan.
  2. Butter a 2lb loaf tin and line the base and sides with baking parchment.
  3. Cream 140g softened butter and 140g caster sugar until light and fluffy, then slowly add 2 beaten large eggs with a little of the 140g flour.
  4. Fold in the remaining flour, 1 tsp baking powder and 2 mashed bananas.
  5. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for about 50 mins, or until cooked through. Check the loaf at 5-min intervals from around 30-40 mins in the oven by testing it with a skewer (it should be able to be inserted and removed cleanly), as the time may vary depending on the shape of your loaf tin.
  6. Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then remove to a wire rack.
  7. Mix 50g icing sugar with 2-3 tsp water to make a runny icing.
  8. Drizzle the icing across the top of the cake.
