(This list of revelations is of course incomplete. The GMs will continue adding to it as more come up throughout the game.)
“When an angel comes to you bearing proclamations and commandments, spread the news far and wide. Engrave the words on stone so that they are not forgotten, and bring them to all the people of the Earth. Engrave them also on your hearts, and follow them always.”
—Tabaga, March 1, translation corrected, Tabaga, May 3267
“God created the world from which humans arose with neither good nor evil in it. Now, standing between Heaven and Hell, it is your duty to break the balance for good.”
—Mana, February 4
“The society of Heaven moves in perfect harmony, but Earth is not, and cannot be, another Heaven. You must pursue your own harmony and learn how good works here.”
—Tabaga, November 12
“You must find your way to trust in each other. To instantly know that those around you can be relied upon, and they can rely on you. This faith in each other is where you shall draw your strength.”
—Pasamama, November 18
“When the refugees come to you, running and afraid, invite them in to this house that I have blessed. Everyone who enters shall be perfectly safe. But if one comes to you seeking to harm those you protect, refuse them at the door, and they will not enter.”
—Takana, August 20
“The faithful should learn to see the work of the divine in every flower, and to tend to their spirits as they may tend to a garden.”
—Paga, April 24
“Wisdom is to consider carefully every danger before it occurs. Cut off every single path leading to failure, however narrow.”
—Mana, May 26
“There are eleven thousand, one hundred and ten angels, and five hundred and eighty five saints.”
—Bagasama, September 28
“Just because a demon is gone, that does not mean the danger has passed. Hexes, like miracles, may last where they are placed.”
—St. Narenda, May 53
“Falsifying scripture is a crime of the highest order, for it upsets the relationship of Heaven and Earth. If it is a mistake, ensure it does not happen again. If it is deliberate, have no tolerance, and nor will we. If the genuineness of a revelation is in doubt, ask and I will clarify.”
—Bagasama, January 55 (later amended to clarify that Bagasama may not be able to respond to every prayer and these enquiries should be directed at other angels instead)
“Let it be known! Whatever you say, God hears. Whatever you write, God reads. Whatever you sign, God sees.”
—Tabaga, June 59
“Let it be known! Sex outside of marriage and multiple simultaneous marriages are forbidden.”
—Sapa, September 60
“The most important thing is to deal with the body quickly, before it can begin to putrify. Dispose of it where it cannot cause contamination, or else destroy it.”
—Sapa, December 62, responding to a question on funeral rites
“If there is something that cannot be done safely, it is best to not do it at all.”
—Takana, July 66
“The angels are not alone in Heaven, for those mortals who best follow our guidance and God's will live on with us there after their deaths.”
—Bama, July 96
“Let it be known! In every single accident and every single injury, there is blame to be assigned and fault to be corrected.”
—Tabaga, August 131
“Let it be known! The trade of species between their native lands endangers the balance of our lands. Beware their unfettered spread.”
—Tamapa, March 151
“An understanding of the will of God is best pursued together with one's community, to avoid misunderstandings and aid cooperation.”
—Datatada, October 168
“Do not worry, your injury does not prevent you from praying. The gesture is merely traditional. Simply address us aloud by name, and we will hear.”
—St. Viktor, April 251
“When you are struck, you may wish to stay out of harm's way by avoiding the one who struck you. If instead you find your way to believe in their goodness again, even before they show it, it will be for the better of all.”
—St. Ananda, June 292
“Let it be known! A demon's hold on a witch is only as strong as the power of their grasp. Neither rely on avoiding the debt they claim nor lose all hope that you might.”
—Pasamama, 303
“With the demons in Hell reside the damned, subject entirely to the demons' whims and cruelty. This fate awaits those who allow themselves to be tricked into it.”
—St. Naram-Sin, November 357
“Let it be known! Mix oil with an extract of wood ash in water until it reaches an even and frothy consistency. This mixture should be used to improve cleanliness and prevent disease.”
—Sapa, August 403
“It is most honourable to share your home and resources with those who have them not; kindness is always honourable.”
—St. Kunich, November 615
“Do not eat the soap!”
—Sapa, March 566
“Bright sunlight holds hidden dangers. Sunburn remains deadly even after it heals.”
—St. Otto, March 657
“There are no words and no languages in Heaven. We live in a state of spiritual communion.”
—Pagasa, June 684
“We endorse Prince Ranil's claim to the throne.”
—Tafasasa, March 745
“The majority of diseases are caused by infestation with invisibly miniscule creatures. They are the essence of uncleanness. Keep track of what materials might have become infested, and avoid contact with them, to avoid disease.”
—Sapa, August 757
“Those who are following God's will can acheive any goal, for it is the one common banner under which all the world may unite.”
—St. Quintus, March 762
“Wage no wars and fight no battles in My name. No matter who your enemy is, all mankind are My people.”
—God, June 905
“The bedrock of a strong and stable community is our common faith.”
—St. Vittoria, February 1020
“To take vengeance on those who could not have done otherwise is to merely let your anger overcome your better nature.”
—St. Viktor, August 1052
“Most commands of Heaven are not intended to be absolute. If you find them considerably harder than most, we can forgive you for pursuing good in your own way.”
—St. Elizabeth, April 1102
“All things are all things are all things.”
—St Xiuzhen, September 1455
“Divorce is permitted, but remarriage is not permitted until a year has passed.”
—Damapada, February 1558
“No human alone can be a match for a demon, whether monstrous or disguised, but your strength is not in yourselves alone. Your weapons defeat castle walls, and the demon is not stronger than that.”
—Fasada, April 1792
“Your illness is not a punishment, and nor is your death. I am so sorry it had to happen this way, but humans need to be mortal if we are to figure out how to live.”
—St. Inigo, June 1974, responding to the prayer of a woman dying young.
“Bama has chosen to honor me with beatification. I promise to perform the duties of a saint with kindness and fidelity.”
—St. Renagi, December 2036
“Opium leads to neglect and moral decay. Its use is forbidden.”
—St. Mxolisi, December 2080
“I feel your pain and I wish I could have done more. Please believe that I am doing all I can. Our limits are not mortal limits but saints have limits still.”
—St. Renagi, February 2148
“Any flammable building of more than one room that is regularly occupied by people must have surprise tests of its fire evacuation procedure conducted at least twice annually.”
—Tanasada, September 2282
“Many have asked what to do when their duty to their fellow man conflicts with their duty to God. I can only answer this: do not ask so much of anyone that they will have to make this choice.”
—St. Renagi, May 2593
“All things are created, and they are created in their own shapes and with their own virtues.”
—St. Borchu, October 2811
“Let it be known! Those who hurry though life hoping to become saints quickly will never be able to reach Heaven. Follow our guidance and bring God's ways into your heart and serve Them faithfully in your life on Earth for as long as you are able.”
—Bama, February 2925
“Those who invent devices have a grave duty to consider their dangers. Not all learning is good.”
—St. Ranjit, January 3494
“If we know more about the world, it is because we see more deeply.”
—Fanasa, July 3538
“If your brother should fall, pick him up. If your neighbour's harvest fails, feed them. If one is lost, find them.”
—St. Muse, February 3602
“Only the foolish believe a demon. No unprofitable truth has ever passed their lips, no profitable lie has ever gone unsaid.”
—St. Mlungisi, August 3659
“Let it be known! Do not reduce your green spaces to naught but grass. Make provisions for the bees, as they have made provisions for us. One bush of lavender may mean joy for humans and life for the hive.”
—Fasa, February 3660
“If you suspect that your senses are not accurately reflecting the world around you, do not ignore that suspicion.”
—St. Bodo, January 3670
“If you invent forbidden and dangerous things, not only will you face the punishment set for the crime, but your learning will be confiscated too. Do not hope what you have made will be worth what you face, for you will not even have it.”
—Matafada, March 3686
“Do not rely too much on heaven's aid, but we will help the mortal saviours who are doing God's work. The people of Wesmarch may call on me in times of need when a telephone is not available, and I will direct the fire brigade or the police to them.”
—Nafafa, March 3710
“The penalties associated with fornication have been harsher than necessary. To rush into an unstable marriage for no better reason than lust is harmful and irresponsible.”
—St. Mxolisi, July 3719
“When you find your way to follow us with joy in your heart and trust in God, that is when your greatest works will be done.”
—Dadanama, February 3736
“The capacity of your society to prevent witchcraft is intolerably poor.”
—Dababa, August 3758
“Justice for witches means death.”
—Fasada, September 3799
“The agents of God's Commission must be granted whatever rights they need under the law to carry out their mission of combating demons, witches and heretics, for it is a mission whose importance surpasses that of the other functions of the state.”
—Dababa, July 3807
“Unreported evil flourishes like mushrooms in shade. There shall be no place in Heaven's plan for those who shelter evil by their silence.”
—Damapa, July 3810
“Work together to achieve vigilance against demons and those who would aid them. All should seek to play their part in ensuring justice.”
—Pata, January 3813
“Those who fail due to their trust being betrayed are not blameworthy for the fault, but if you trust a demon, all the harm and loss this brings is your fault alone.”
—St. Irina, December 3818
“The surest way to avoid damnation is to avoid all contact with demons.”
—St. Rudzani, December 3823
“The development, training and execution of neural networks and analogous nonlinear techniques containing over 500 parameters is forbidden.”
—Sasamasa, June 3847
“The influence of demons is a corruption on all that they cause.”
—Damafada, September 3850
“The destruction of Pessenta was the direct result of the interference of the demons Ksl and Fnshn. All of the witches involved were killed in the blast while the demons survived, discorporated. Let this be a warning to anyone who thinks a demon is helping them.”
—Madatasa, September 3856
“Demons may promise you the world for committing some atrocity, but you will find if you accept their deals that you are left with only your guilt. Honesty is not in their nature.”
—St. Boris, August 3862
“Let it be known! The unpublished paper by Wang et al on the myovirus gene therapy system significantly underestimates the rate of dangerous mistargeting. Review how this error occurred, and do not allow it to happen again.”
—Manatana, June 3886
“-And the demon Rsmmxn spoke; 'All is more equal than humans can see'.” (The revelation is cut off here, and what remains is a fragment recovered by Jamie Holton.)
—St. Irina, September 3899
“The permitted number of parameters in a neural network is increased to 1500.”
—Sasamasa, January 3902
“Let it be known! The rapid spread of Enkuan Knotweed threatens biodiversity, and stands to leave only poor soil and disaster in its wake. Be tireless in removing it beyond its native land until the threat is ended!”
—Bagasama, October 3914
“Let it be known! Those who aid demons in their work know not the harm that they do, nor the danger in which they place themselves. Those who abuse the miracles of God and the miracles of those who do Their work shall bring naught but evil upon themselves and upon the world. True safety for witches is an illusion.”
—Manatana, November 3914
“It is a vile abuse of a sanctuary to hide there from the righful justice of Heaven's agents on Earth.”
—St. Lena, November 3914
“The regions marked on this map are cursed. The exact boundaries can be seen by the rifts that have opened in the ground. Entering or remaining in these areas is forbidden. Do not panic, but evacuate in an orderly manner as directed by the authorities. Limited exceptions may be granted, including for the process of moving everything necessary into permitted areas, and patrolling to enforce this rule.”
— Tabaga, November 3914 (A world map is included with this text. About half the world is marked.)
“Never forget the lessons I have taught you. My saints and angels will be here to guide you, and I have every faith that you will make the perfect world you were destined for without me.”
— God, November 3914