Table of Contents

Week 4 News

█ Bulletin ◉ The Commission █

“The influence of demons is a corruption on all that they cause.” —Damafada, September 3850

Mark these words!

The angel Manatana did reveal to us the following lines of scripture in the district of Wesmarch:

“Let it be known! Those who aid demons in their work know not the harm that they do, nor the danger in which they place themselves. Those who abuse the miracles of God and the miracles of those who do Their work shall bring naught but evil upon themselves and upon the world. True safety for witches is an illusion.”

Mark also:

[Another full page of names of the executed follows, almost thirty names in total.]

Mark also:

The Hall of Works is now closed for maintenance. While the extent of the required work is being assessed, we cannot be certain when it will be possible to reopen.

Vigilance shall preserve us.

"Renagi's Readers" Parish Newsletter

'Committed Bean' "Committed" to Closure

It is with great sadness that we see the Committed Bean be retired. It seems our favourite café on Providence Boulevard is closing down, taking with it the best lattes this side of Wesmarch. When asked for comment, Yves Corbet told Renagi's Readers that he was “very sad to see the store close”, but hopes to return to serving the community coffee sometime in the future. I think we're all agreed that we can't wait!

Pottery Next Big Craze?

By all accounts, Lucy's latest pottery class went over exceedingly well with our parishioners. We'll have more sculptors in town before we know it!


I know many of us may be worried about the increasing number of arrests from the Commission, and the implications this has for heresy among us. However, we should be taking this chance to thank the Commission and its agents for their immense hard work in keeping Bexgate safe and clean. It is worth remembering that the Commission are here to protect us, and that we can make their job easier through small things (such as having your papers ready by the checkpoints!).