Table of Contents

Character Creation

“Divorce is permitted, but remarriage is not permitted until a year has passed.”
—Damapada, February 1558

In Conviction, you play as a member of the congregation of Bexgate St. Renagi's Church. A lot of character creation is freeform, deciding what they are like as a person, their motivations, their backstory, etc., but there are certain specific things you'll need to tell us about yourself and your character.


Your character's bios are a general description of them, their backstory and so on. The private bio will only be seen by the GMs, so it should include any important secrets your character has, as well as generally more detail. This is usually expected to be a few paragraphs long. The public bio will be shown publicly on the player characters page, so it should contain the basic information that other members of the parish are likely to know about them.


Quirks are additional bits of information about your character that may inform what they're able to achieve in game. You may pick up to 5 from the list, plus however many playstyle quirks you like.

Player Limit / Joining as a GM

So far we do not have enough GMs to run a game with as many players as we expect are likely to be interested, so we are setting a cap on the number of players who will be allowed of four times the number of GMs, and will determine who gets in by random ballot if there are too many applications. However, you can also still join the GM team, despite the lateness. If you would prefer GMing to playing, please contact us as soon as possible so we can get you caught up on the behind-the-scenes aspects of the game. If you would prefer playing to GMing, but would still prefer GMing to not being involved at all, you can indicate this in your character submission, and you will be guaranteed a spot one way or the other, depending on how many applications we get and how the ballot goes.

We would suggest that only people who have played a society game before join as GMs, but for players we would like to give people new to the society a chance to participate and will be preferring first-time players and current students, so please also indicate this information as part of your submission.

If you submit a joint character concept (i.e. your character has a pre-existing relationship to another player character), we will attempt to avoid situations where one of you gets in and the other doesn't, but that may not always be possible. This will of course be done in such a way as to avoid biasing the ballot either in favour of or against players with joint concepts.


Once you have designed your character, you should email it to us. The deadline for submissions is the midnight following Wednesday of 1st week, the 12th of October. We will try to get back to you as soon as we can after that with the result of the ballot, if we had to do one.

It would make it easier for us to process all the submissions if you stick to the following template:

OC name and pronouns:
IC name and pronouns:
Private bio:
Public bio:
I [would/would not] like to be a GM if I don't get in as a player.
I [am/am not] a current student of Oxford University.
I [have/have not] played an RPGSoc society game before.
Misc comments:

Character Creation Event

The first session, rather than being a regular roleplay session, will be dedicated to character creation. Attendance is optional, but if you have any questions you want to ask the GMs before designing your character, or if you just want to discuss ideas with us or with other players or give your characters pre-existing relationships to each other, this is an opportunity to do that. This will take place on the evening of Tuesday of 1st week, the 11th of October, online, on Discord, from 19:00 to roughly 22:00. If you can't or don't want to attend, you can also ask us questions by email of course.