Table of Contents

Bexgate St. Renagi's

“Bama has chosen to honor me with beatification. I promise to perform the duties of a saint with kindness and fidelity.”
—St. Renagi, December 2036

Bexgate St. Renagi's is a small church located reasonably near to the city centre. Jamie Holton recently took over as pastor, after the previous pastor was forced to finally admit it was time to retire by a bout of ill health. The player characters are members of its congregation, and the (obligatory) weekly services are the meetings OC represented by the game sessions. Its only claim to fame is that, like only a small proportion of churches, it had the miracle of sanctuary placed on it, in this case by St. Renagi.


The miracle of sanctuary is a powerful protection against all sorts of harm. It is not possible to commit violence inside a sanctuary (this is also an OC rule, even if you find some way around it IC). The miracle can also make it possible and safe to enter and leave, no matter how anyone tries to prevent it, but if the pastor denies someone entry, it can also prevent it. The human authorities cannot take someone from a sanctuary and arrest them, but in the cases where people have tried to exploit this impunity too far, they have been struck down by Heaven instead.

Surveillance Hole

As mentioned in the game pitch and on the start page, the church is exempt from God's usual surveillance. However, you are not IC aware of this at the very start of the game. It was mentioned OC because it is the inciting incident for the whole game, but until you also learn it IC, it will be OC only knowledge.