
“There are eleven thousand, one hundred and ten angels, and five hundred and eighty five saints.”
Bagasama, September 28

God rarely interferes directly with the mortal world since creating it. Promoting God's will on Earth, and gently guiding humanity in the right direction, is the role of the angels and saints. Even the angels mostly prefer to leave humanity to learn to get along without them. Their visitations are rare enough that it is not uncommon for people to go their entire lives without meeting one, but common enough that on a global scale they are still a daily occurrence.

Their advice and miracles are the only thing ensuring humanity's spiritual development, but they are not always kind. Angels guide people away from mistakes and save them from disasters, but also inflict disasters as lessons and punishments. Their public revelations consist of a mixture of information and commands, both specific to the person being addressed and intended for the whole world. They can often be cryptic, but following their commands still turns out for the best even if the reasons why are unclear. They are known to communicate privately with the Commission much more frequently, facilitating cooperation between Heaven and Earth, but the contents of most of these communications are not known. It includes, at least, them relaying things that God has heard people saying.

It is possible to pray to angels and saints by addressing them by name. Prayers for direct aid are generally directed at angels, while more abstract prayers may be directed to God. In neither case is a reply likely. OC, prayers may be done by email like contacting other NPCs, or in session by just getting a GM's attention so they can hear your prayer.

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