====== The Commission ====== > //"The surest way to avoid damnation is to avoid all contact with demons."// > St. Rudzani, December 3823 If your physical health is threatened, you go to a doctor. If your physical security is threatened, you go to the Government. If your spiritual health is threatened, the Commission will come to you. All peace and faith are under threat. Demons, witches, and heretics work incessantly to undo all the good works of the pious and the angels. How is it, then, that most honest citizens will never be disturbed by these threats? The answer lies in the Commission’s constant vigilance. Any who would threaten the spiritual health of others are identified by the Commission and discretely neutralised. Once alerted, the Commission cannot afford to leave witches and heretics to their activities for a matter of hours or days. Citizens may take comfort from the knowledge that the Commission shall terminate any spiritual threats within mere minutes. This security is achieved through a mastery of information. The Commission works hand-in-glove with the angels, who read all and hear all, and who alert the Commission’s agents to spiritual dangers as they arise. To supplement the angels’ information, the Commission is also able to draw on their own intelligence-gathering efforts and the cooperation of ordinary citizens. The three Supreme Commissioners constitute the highest leadership of the Commission. Supreme Commissioners Benediction, Conviction, and Vindication oversee a world-spanning Commission which serves as the first and last line of defence against the demon and the heretic. Below them work millions of Commission agents, and untold many brave regular informants. The relationship between the Supreme Commissioners and the angels is always harmonious and equal. There was once a time, long ago, before the Commission emerged in its present form. Those days were marked by chaos, war, and the liberty of demons to wreak whatever havoc they willed. That time does not bear remembering, save to be thankful that it shall never return.