====== Quirks ====== > //"Most commands of Heaven are not intended to be absolute. If you find them considerably harder than most, we can forgive you for pursuing good in your own way."// > ---[[st_elizabeth@conviction.oxfordrpg.com|St. Elizabeth]], April 1102 Quirks represent attributes that a character has. They serve not only to help define your character, but also to convey mechanical advantages or disadvantages. You may take up to 5 quirks, plus any number of [[#playstyle quirks]] which are used to let us know what sort of experience you want out of the game. Some quirks, such as Demonic Debt and Demonic Credit, are opposites of each other, and may not be taken together. Unlike some society games, Conviction does not have regular advancements, but it may in some cases be possible to acquire quirks in play. ===== Skill Quirks ===== When you take a skill from this category, you can also pick a specialisation, some subset of the skill you're particularly good at. This can mostly be whatever you like, so long as it isn't so narrow it will never come up in game. ==== Stealthy ==== You are good at avoiding being seen. Example specialisations: disguise, covering your tracks, blending in with crowds ==== Handy ==== You are good at making useful, practical things. Example specialisations: carpentry, vehicles, programming ==== Artistic ==== You are good at making beautiful, evocative things and performances. Example specialisations: sculpture, poetry, guitar ==== Persuasive ==== You are good at convincing people. When talking to other players, you will of course have to depend on your OC ability to convince them, but with NPCs, especially in downtime, this quirk can help. Example specialisations: public speaking, bartering, making excuses ==== Athletic ==== You are good at physical feats. Example specialisations: endurance, tennis, manual dexterity ===== General Quirks ===== ==== Close Knit ==== You have a strong support network of family and/or friends who can help you out in times of need. ==== Scoundrel ==== Whether truthful or not, your name carries a bad reputation in Bexgate! Perhaps you or a loved one did something which has stained your reputation since; perhaps a misunderstanding gave rise to a rumour you cannot now shake off; perhaps others simply don't understand you, and dislike whatever they cannot understand. For whatever reason, even those who have not yet met you may have heard of you --- and what they have heard is not good. ==== Authoritative ==== Bexgate has never claimed to be an egalitarian society. Some simply have more influence and are more (seemingly) respectable than others --- managers, headteachers, community elders, and others. By taking this quirk, you hold such an authoritative position within St. Rengai's. However, beware! It is dangerous to forget where //true// authority lies in Bexgate. ==== Fated ==== You may not know it yet, but Heaven expects great things from you. They may be willing to intervene to save you, but their patience is limited and they're unlikely to help if you wilfully put yourself in danger. This cannot be taken with Demonic Debt or Demonic Credit. ==== Demonic Debt ==== For whatever reason, you made a deal with a demon. They did something for you already, but you haven't paid them back yet and they may call on you to fulfill the deal at any time. Specify why you made the deal in the first place and what they did for you. ==== Demonic Credit ==== For whatever reason, you made a deal with a demon. You performed the atrocity they asked of you already, but you haven't asked them to pay you back yet. Specify what you did for them and what they agreed to in return. Examples of typical hexes include illusions, weapons, creating riches, and teleportation. We will tell you how many times you may use the hex when you take the quirk, depending on how powerful it is. ==== Motor Mouth ==== You have a habit of talking, even when silence might be the better option. You may accidentally spill secrets. The GMs can only make this happen in turnsheets, so it's up to you to take this flaw into account when you're roleplaying your character. ==== Clumsy ==== Physical care and restraint is a virtue you have never been good at. You are likely to cause accidents. ==== Observant ==== You are more likely to notice subtle things around you, and their implications. You will receive additional news before each session to reflect this. ==== Unobservant ==== You pay little attention to what's going on around you. You will not even receive the normal news. ==== Commission informant ==== Full vigilance against the witch and the demon cannot be achieved by the Commission's agents alone. They rely on a network of clandestine regular informers. Some choose to inform voluntarily, driven by their piety. Others do so begrudgingly, caving to blackmail and threats. Others do so for yet more complex motives. By taking this quirk, you begin as a pre-existing informant for the Commission. ==== It's a secret! ==== You have a secret, kept from the authorities and from those around you. It may be small. It may be big. Whatever its size, caution is needed --- it is not easy to keep secrets in Bexgate, and the consequences may be dire if the wrong people discover them... ===== Playstyle Quirks ===== Unlike the other quirks, these are more about what sort of experience you want out of the game rather than describing your character. You can take as many as you like and change them at any point in the game, and they don't count towards the limit on your number of quirks. ==== Hit Me Harder ==== If you take this quirk, your character is more likely to suffer severe consequences. The GMs won't go as easy on you if you do something dangerous. ==== More Gore ==== This quirks indicates you're okay with gruesome narration. It is unlikely to be especially extreme either way, but we will tone down the descriptions of injuries and things more for players without this quirk. ==== Romance Me ==== This quirk indicates you're okay with NPCs initiating romantic interactions with your characters. It still may not happen depending on whether an appropriate situation arises, and even if you don't take the quirk you may still initiate things yourself. For ballgowning with other PCs, the quirk does not apply (as they won't know if you have it), and you should instead check they're okay with it OC on a case-by-case basis.