====== Week 8 News ====== ===== Radio Free Wesmarch ===== "... and that should've fixed it. Good morning Wesmarch! In case you missed us saying it before that technical error, I'm Adé and I'm joined by Billie in the studio to bring //you// the news that //they// didn't want you to know..." ==== SCC Murdered ==== "... I've gotten some reports, Adé, about the Supreme Commissioner -" "- //the// Supreme Commissioner, we don't need to clarify which one." "Right, right. Anyhow, people are quitting the Commish in flocks and droves and one formerly black-feathered birdie whispered in my ear that he had been murdered in Bexgate." "Bexgate? What was he even doing there?" "Your guess is as good as mine, Adé. Just have to wait and see when the truth comes out. They said that he was murdered in his office, surrounded by his security. They only realised it had happened when they found his body with his face melted off." "Sounds too good to be true to me, Billie. They know who did it?" "No clue." "Whoever you are, mysterious avenger, I'll be raising a glass to you tonight. Cheers!" ==== Politics ==== "Still plenty of chaos in the corridors of power in Wesmarch." "Tell me about it, Billie." "Can't say too much without giving away my sources, but short story is that the Commission's leaving behind a power vaccuum and everyone that's someone in Wesmarch wants a piece. Problem is, seems the other towns in the district aren't returning their calls." "Well that's awk-ward. Wait and see if that changes, though. Can't see them giving the centre the cold shoulder for long." "Going to have to agree to disagree, Adé." ==== Military ==== "I heard from a cousin of mine, out by Stowebridge." "Stowebridge? You mean where they had the-" "- the wave of demon attacks, right. Nasty stuff. Lost one of their neighbours. Anyway, they were saying that the Commission's air power's still going, but with a catch." "A catch?" "They say they aren't part of the Commission any more - that from now they're answering to the Wesmarch Government. Or at least they will, when there is one again." ===== Renagi's Readers ===== ==== Market Madness! ==== We had a fantastic breath of fresh air in Bexgate this week with a lovely market hosting our local small businesses. If you enjoyed it like I did, don't forget to tell our favourite hosts, Mr. Oleander Green and Ms. Sincerity Woodward! Who knows, maybe we can make it a more permanent fixture of the town...? ====Town Planning Bureau Tragically Partially Burned==== The Town Planning Bureau has suffered some fire damage this week, after an unknown attack of vandalism. There have been no major injuries sustained, either to the inhabitants or the building. Nonetheless, this author hopes nothing of this sort should happen again - malicious arsonists are not welcome in Bexgate! ==== New Neighbours==== As some of you may have noticed, we have new visitors in Bexgate - some of whom cannot speak our local dialect. For those who speak Enkuan, Éllien, (or any other language!) your help would be much appreciated down at the Special Institutes! ===== Flyers... ===== There are a lot of flyers around, all eye-catching and well-presented. One centres around a quote attributed to Manatana: “Order is required. The Commission are no longer providing order. New governance is required,” adding that they said Heaven will select who is right to lead “if necessary”. There are also various posters in a slightly different style. Among these, some speak of a child having to live apart from their family for fear of what Manatana might do to hide their mistake on the day of the gas main explosion; some criticise the Commission for failing to save God.