======Sincerity Woodward Eternity====== **BEXGATE HERALD - 10th of December 3917** ====A RETROSPECTIVE ON THE NEW BEXGATE COUNCIL==== The election of the New Bexgate Council took place three years ago today, electing Alex Green, Adalli Nafaro, Simon Caddic, Sincerity Woodward, and Tabby Thackery. As the time for a new election draws close, we interviewed Ms. Woodward on the progress the council has made. Ms. Woodward, who it was revealed won her seat with a considerable majority, expressed that she was never interested in becoming Governor. “It would have been enough for me just to see the election take place, but I am beyond honoured that I was elected.” She has consistently fought against any sort of military authority within Bexgate and supported the building of the new library that Teresa Shaw and Abius Marshal established, which houses both extensive records of scripture and the old Bexgate Commission archives. She also worked with Tabby Thackery to build new housing in Bexgate following the Crisis. Alongside her political career and regular participation in community support programs, Ms. Woodward has maintained her status as a teacher. A busy schedule all-round, but one she seems to thrive in. Her partner’s controversial stance on scripture has raised eyebrows in the political sphere, but over the years her response has remained the same. “Living together, East and West, means we can’t succumb to the same stigma that kept people living in fear. The Bexgate we have worked towards for many years is a community for everyone.” ===== The heart of the matter ===== Two cups of coffee sit next to each other on a desk decorated with mountains of paper. Half is dedicated to schedules and agendas, lesson plans for the near future - the other half is annotated scripture and drafts of services. Sincerity stretches, finally rising from her spot at the desk. The moon has already taken the place of the sun on the black sky. Has it really been that long? Balancing council work on top of teaching was a tricky job she hadn’t quite become used to yet. Pastor Holton is slumped over the desk. His journal is open in front of him, but he is not writing – he is asleep over his work, a sight not as uncommon as Sincerity might wish. She huffs, bringing back a blanket to lay over Jamie. As she does, the journal catches her eye, and she picks it up – after all, she proofreads most everything Jamie writes anyway. There is nothing between them that is not shared. A smile breaks out over her face as she reads – and then she carefully places the journal back where it was, and returns to organising the papers on her side of the desk. She hides her smile all of the next day. It wouldn’t do for Jamie to realise she’s already read his proposal. ---- One day, inevitably, the child of providence appears. Amnity and Thrl bring the child to their most trusted friend. There is, in that young expression, a note of defiance, anger; but Sincerity knows that look too well. She sees the vulnerability of their brave façade. It is a long process. Trust is not easily gained, and Sincerity does not demand it blindly. But there is not a single moment where the child does not have family to turn to. Darion Woodward-Holton never lacks for love. One evening, at a family gathering, Sincerity has a revelation. She watches as Faith debates with her mother the relative merits of buying a new computer (she appears to be unsuccessful, judging by Cora’s unimpressed expression). Prudence sits on the sofa, laughing at one of her father’s terrible jokes - Sincerity is glad to see her here, even if the wound between them took years and many difficult conversations to heal. Anika chats with Constance as the latter makes tiny braids in a very displeased Darion’s hair. Jamie, leaning in to Sincerity’s side, is discussing a book with Clarity. It should be surprising how quickly he fit in with the Woodwards, but really, it isn’t – Darion, too, slotted into place like a missing puzzle piece. They are each connected by love, one way or another. Sincerity watches her family gathered together, and it is then that she truly knows her heart. {{tag>writeupeternity gm_konstantine complete}}